February 7, 2024
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul—Saint Rose Conference sponsored a meeting with Roseville's Community Action Team (CAT) on February 7. Members of our Saint Rose Community learned more about how CAT is helping the community's homeless and those with mental health issues.
Formed in 2021 As a way to better meet diverse community needs, CAT works with community partners to find innovative solutions that improve the quality of life for all community members. CAT includes one police sergeant, five police officers, two embedded social workers, one housing coordinator, and one mental health coordinator.
Thank you very much to the Roseville CAT members for taking the time to explain their approach and answer our questions.
September 30, 2023
The free haircut event we hosted at the MPLS St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store was a great success! With the help of our volunteer interpreter, our two volunteer hairstylists performed 32 cuts and enjoyed great conversations with the clients and the staff.
Our Vincentian Weekend Stuff the Truck Drive collected 1,866 pounds of clothing and 35 kitchen appliances for the local St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores. Thank you to everyone who donated to the drive!
Thank you to Knights of Columbus for preparing the wonderful pancake breakfast, thank you to the volunteers, and thank you to all who joined us for great food and conversation!
February 25, 2023
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul—St. Rose Conference sponsored a “Stuff the Truck” clothing drive on February 25 and 26. Loading donations into a SVdP truck parked in front of our St. Rose School, we collected 1447 pounds of clothing for the West 7th Street Saint Vincent de Paul thrift store in St. Paul. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated to the clothing drive.